
Ghostbusters Plasma Series Spengler’s Proton Pack

19,062 Backers

Target 7,000


Shipped January 2023

This campaign has ended and was successfully backed! It will now move into production.

Limit of 5 per customer.

Click here for instructons.

Have there been any recent reports of odd occurrences in your neighborhood? No, not the guy a few houses down that likes to mow his lawn at 4 a.m., wearing a bathrobe and a pair of tube socks pulled up to his knees. That’s just your neighbor, who falls more into the category of something weird that don’t look good. Although… who mows a pattern like that into their lawn? Maybe he’s trying to open a portal to the other side, right there in his front yard? Okay, on second thought, you should probably keep a closer eye on him. You may very well need to call in the professionals: the Ghostbusters.

Better yet, you could suit up yourself and take matters into your own hands, and we’ve got exactly what you need to do it!

This HasLab begins on October 27th and ends on December 12th

If funded, we will begin shipping in the Spring of 2023.

FREE Shipping On All Eligible Orders.


Look, we get it, not everyone is lucky enough to have an eccentric, genius grandfather who left us a fully functional albeit unlicensed nuclear accelerator. Most people just get slacks and socks. It was with this understanding that we decided to cook up something special. We’re professionals here at the Hasbro Pulse HasLab, and we wouldn’t waste a second of this amazing fanbase’s time with anything less than the ultimate ghost bustin’ adult collectible roleplay item. Introducing the first-ever Ghostbusters HasLab project: the Plasma Series Spengler’s Proton Pack! Heat ‘em up, indeed!

If we’re being honest—and it sure smells like it—most of us have been waiting for this moment to arrive since way back in 1984, when we were introduced to our true calling: strapping into a Proton Pack and saving the world from every spirit, spectre, ghoul, and ghost looking to get up to some supernatural shenanigans and haunting hijinks.

As fellow faux scientists (and no doubt a smattering of real ones!), you know the importance of funding paranormal research and how it can help make the world a safer, less scary place. Here’s what we’ll need to make this paranormal project a reality (and don’t worry, we kept Venkman out of the money decisions):

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- Fan funding for this iconic Ghostbusters 1:1-scale roleplay item ($399)

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- 7,000 backers to answer the call and officially fund the project

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- 9,000 backers to unlock the Class I Unlockable Stretch Goal: THE CLASSIC BUNDLE 

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- 11,000 backers to unlock the Class II Unlockable Stretch Goal: THE GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE BUNDLE 

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- 13,000 backers to unlock the Class III Unlockable Stretch Goal: THE SPENGLER SPECIAL 

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- 15,000 backers to unlock the Class IV Unlockable Stretch Goal: THE SUPERNATURAL STAND
You are our eerie investors, our phantom financiers, our bloodcurdling backers, and we need your support for our research and to fund this HasLab today!


How could it not be the apocalypse when this seems way too good to be true? This isn’t any old pack, you see. This is the Proton Pack of your aspirational childhood dreams! Still, that just wasn’t enough for us, not for the very first Ghostbusters HasLab project. We couldn’t help ourselves. We were compelled to go above and beyond. Hey, no job is too big, right? That’s why we’ve decided to offer a total of 4 classifications of unlocks.
This Proton Pack just got red hot.




If you are a Hasbro Pulse Premium Member and you back the HasLab Ghostbusters Proton Pack campaign through Hasbro Pulse by Friday, October 29 @ 7:00PM ET, you will receive 4 1984-inspired green ecto-plasm goo attachment accessories in addition to the HasLab Ghostbusters Proton Pack item. 




Those particles are no good if you don’t have something to throw them with, and that’s why our Class I unlock includes the hose to connect your Plasma Series Spengler’s Neutrona Wand to your Proton Pack (Plasma Series Spengler’s Neutrona Wand sold separately. Subject to availability). Oh, and we couldn’t forget the custom 1984 decals with a brushed chrome look. Wicked.



Welcome to the new age of bustin’ with the Ghostbusters: Afterlife unlock. Celebrate the Ghostbusters legacy while at the same time looking forward to the future with this unlockable bundle that includes 3 Plasma Series Mini-Pufts figures AND 3 alternate, swappable heads, featuring NEW DECO! And because Mini-Pufts are so mischievous, they tend to get into everything. That’s why we’re including a white marshmallow goo attachment to raise the stakes. We wanted to give you that classic marshmallow good look… without that icky, gooey feeling.  It’s tough bustin’ ghosts when your equipment is being tinkered with by a horde of demonic, toddler-like Mini-Pufts. Sweet.



This stretch goal really slaps! That’s right, unlock the exclusive Spengler Special and get a sheet of Ghostbusters-themed decals to slap on your pack, your notebooks, or whatever else you want to have a little eerie flair! We want you to be able to bust in style while expressing yourself. And lastly, we want to make sure you all know exactly how to bust ghosts, and that’s why we’ve decided to include Egon Spengler’s 16-page notebook. Featuring schematics, handwritten notes, and personal anecdotes, this exclusive notebook is a must-have for any card-carrying Ghostbusters fan! Electric.



Do you prefer displaying your cool collectibles? We’ve got you covered there, too, with our exclusive high-quality display stand. Whether you just want to show it off or need it handy for that next bustin’ call, our supernatural display stand is there to support you… and your Proton Pack. Ghostbusters who take care of their equipment have equipment that will take care of them. 


Hang onto your flight suits because we’re about to blow you away. The Ghostbusters: Afterlife Ghostbusters Plasma Series Spengler’s Proton Pack is here, and this first-ever, full-scale, mass-manufactured beauty has it all!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- We’re making history with this movie-inspired prop replica, scanned directly from the Ghostbusters: Afterlife Proton Pack hero prop! (Yes, Sony Pictures Consumer Products let us play with the real thing!)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- Out-of-this-world tech features lights, sounds, AND a motor for active roleplay and re-creating iconic scenes!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- Two modes of play include lights and sounds from both the 1984 classic film Ghostbusters and the upcoming 2021 Ghostbusters: Afterlife movie. Did we use supernatural sorcery? Nope, we just included a switch!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- Modular and lightweight, this scientific wonder is the closest you can get to strapping a real nuclear particle accelerator to your back (and much less dangerous)!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- Have we mentioned that this Proton Pack is compatible with the Ghostbusters Plasma Series Spengler’s Neutrona Wand (sold separately)? Because it is! The Proton Pack features a metal V-hook bracket that connects to the metal V-hook bracket on the bottom of the Neutrona Wand. Level up your cosplay game by stowing your wand on your pack when you’re not actively bustin’ ghosts!

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- Scary good screen-accurate details include the booster, power cell injectors, bumper, shock mount, and more! Oh, and yeah, you can open the cyclotron and explore its inner workings for the very first time. Seriously, if you don’t fund this Ghostbusters HasLab project it may be a decision that haunts you forever! 
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ- The Plasma Series Spengler’s Proton Pack was designed to be compatible with the ALICE system LC-1 Field Pack Frame and includes connection hardware.
We’ll provide the Proton Pack; you provide the play. Back us today and we might just be able to avoid fire and brimstone coming down from the skies; rivers and seas boiling; forty years of darkness; earthquakes; volcanoes; the dead rising from the grave; human sacrifice; dogs and cats, living together; mass hysteria! 
(Side note: Venkman wants to you to know that it wouldn’t hurt to pick up a neutrona wand while you’re at it, just in case if you haven’t already… 
Ghostbusters TM & © 2021 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.